E.ON, Document Management Processes to Support CRM for Faster Customer Response

As one of Europe’s leading energy providers with over 47 million customers, E.ON is driving the energy transition across the continent. Committed to sustainability, climate protection, and the well-being of the planet, E.ON delivers energy and innovative solutions to households, businesses, and public administrations. In Italy alone, the company has surpassed one million customers.

The Challenge

In the CRM department of a utility company like E.ON, managing thousands of customer cases daily is standard practice. These include a wide variety of documents such as contracts, transfers, and service terminations. E.ON handles approximately 2,000 documents per day, including both paper-based and email communications.
Beyond standard transactions, more complex cases - such as technical interventions or requests for tax benefits - require extensive document exchanges. While CRM systems automate many workflows, they still need integration to manage document files effectively. To enhance CRM services, optimizing administrative transactions is crucial. One key objective was the progressive digitization of contractual documents, streamlining customer interactions and improving operational efficiency.


The Approach

The technological solution adopted integrates data management with document storage and processing. This initiative is part of E.ON’s broader IT transformation, which began some time ago with the goal of eliminating paper flows and improving document management. The system enables efficient processing of customer care requests, seamless archiving and classification of both paper and digital documents, and the automation of document workflows. E.ON appreciated that the project was not implemented as a disruptive "big bang" change but was instead developed through incremental steps and micro-projects, all guided by a clear long-term vision. Thanks to this approach, it was also possible to integrate the Power division, which was initially not included in the plan. The unified document management system centralizes information and optimizes complaint handling, utilizing a semantic engine for increased efficiency. This tool allows for faster identification and resolution of customer complaints, enhancing service quality and reducing credit risk.
Looking ahead, the solution could be extended to the marketing department to monitor customer satisfaction. The collaboration between E.ON and Yubiq remains driven by innovation and a gradual, sustainable approach.

The Impact

The primary benefit achieved is the certainty that every customer communication is stored in a well-organized document management system, reducing lost documents to near zero.
This improvement has had a significant positive impact on service quality, enabling faster responses to customer inquiries.
The system's success is measured by the time required to process requests against predefined SLAs. Additionally, the transition has transformed employees from mere operators into process supervisors, increasing efficiency. A critical factor in the project’s success was ensuring that internal users understood the benefits of document management. Yubiq also identified E.ON’s implicit needs - initially focused only on eliminating paper - and helped shape a broader transformation. The project remains ongoing, continuing to enhance the quality of work within the company.
