Code of Ethics
Value of work, legality, fairness and transparency of action
At Yubiq we believe in the value of work and consider legality, fairness, and transparency of action as essential prerequisites for the achievement of its economic, productive,e and social objectives and affirm the congruity of its Code of Ethics in the pursuit of its social mission. The Code of Ethics also aims to introduce and make binding for the company the principles and rules of conduct relevant to the reasonable prevention of the crimes indicated in Legislative Decree 231/2001.
The Code of Ethics, considered as a whole and together with all the specific implementation procedures approved by us, is considered an integral part of the employment contracts in place and to be stipulated, under art. 2104 of the Italian Civil Code (Diligence of the employee).

The violation of its provisions will therefore constitute an offence of a disciplinary nature and, as such, will be prosecuted and sanctioned by the company under and for art. 7 (Disciplinary sanctions) of Law no. 300/1970 (Workers' Statute ‐ Rules on the protection of the freedom and dignity of workers, trade union freedom and trade union activity in the workplace, and rules on placement) and may result in compensation for damages caused to the organization.
About collaborators, consultants, and self-employed workers (specified below among the recipients) who provide their services to the company and other third parties, the signing of this Code of Ethics or an extract of it or, in any case, adherence to the provisions and principles provided for therein represent a "conditio sine qua non " for the stipulation of contracts of any kind between the company and such subjects. The provisions thus signed or, in any case, approved, even for conclusive facts, constitute an integral part of the contracts themselves.
Based on what has been described so far, any violations by the subjects referred to in the previous paragraph of specific provisions of the Code of Ethics, based on their seriousness, may legitimize the termination by us of the contractual relationships in place with said subjects and may also be identified ex-ante as causes of automatic termination of the contract under art. 1456 of the Italian Civil Code (Express termination clause).
Fundamental principles
The principles listed below are considered fundamental, so we are committed to respecting them towards everyone. It is also essential that these values do not remain mere statements but are translated into immanent conduct and behavior. As an organization and as individuals, all recipients in the workplace are required to apply them correctly in both internal and external operations and relationships.
The core values on which our business is based are:
- Integrity in compliance with Laws and Regulations
- Repudiation of all discrimination
- Centrality, development, and enhancement of human resources and equity of authority
- Territorial roots
- Transparency and business ethics
- Quality
- Diversity
- Legality and the fight against terrorism and crime