A collaborative digital ecosystem to achieve your business goals
We help you make your suppliers an integral part of your processes, from the qualification phase to their contracting, evaluation and document regularization

How can YUBIQ help you?

Demand & Planning
Discover- Gathering of requirements
- Document collection to support the request
- Dynamic approval cycles of requirements and RDAs
- Assignments to buyers
- Integration with ERP and management
- Monitoring buyer workloads
- Monitoring purchasing activity progress

RDA Management
Discover- Dynamic approval cycles
- Document collection to support the request
- Integration with ERPs
- Automatic writing of RDA to ERP
- Budget monitoring
- Involvement of users without ERP license
- Initiating master data creation process

Contract Management
Discover- Collaboration in the drafting phase
- Template management and word composition
- Dynamic approval cycles
- Internal and external digital signature affixing
- Process monitored and auditable
- Clausolary and general conditions library

Construction site management and procurement
Discover- Document management with dynamic checklists
- Integration with procurement tools
- Managing qualification document deadlines
- Enabling resources and subcontractors
- Dynamic, multi-area document validation process
- Monitoring construction and procurement status

Vendor rating
Discover- Definition of drivers and providers to be evaluated
- Management of ex-ante and ex-post
- evaluation Objective and subjective evaluations
- Monitoring and early warning of critical issues
- Dynamic and configurable evaluation questionnaires
- Integration with info providers

Management of tender inspections
Discover- Authorization process of the inspection
- Verification of the inspection
- Management of master data of those invited to the tender
- Management and validation of documents

Workflow Buyer
Discover- Planning buyer activities
- Buyer assignment process
- Drafting specifications
- Defining contracting rules
- Integration with sourcing solutions

CapEx Authorization Processes
Discover- Preparation of the investment feasibility steps
- Management of the investment approval process
- Synchronization with the investment plan
- Definition of the document set accompanying the investment
- Integration with ERP and automatic compilation of WBS

Featured Products

Advanced Supply Chain
Manages qualification of suppliers, qualification of subcontractors, and resources, and ensures the presence and validity of required documents.

Approve & Seal
Governs the process of approving and signing electronic business documents.

Invoice Management
Orchestrate the process of managing passive invoices by routing them to the operations contact person until they are recorded in your ERP.

Success Stories

Digitization and automation of processes to optimize invoice management, enhancing the efficiency of the entire business chain,...

Simplify and accelerate interactions among all internal and external stakeholders of the company, helping to establish more...